Hall of Fame

With Romanian President Emil Constantinescu
At Gala of Prizes in Education 2010, Romanian Parliament Hall

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Mihai V. Putz - The Best Romanian Researcher of the Year
While keeping the Speech of Award Receipt at National Gala of Education (Bucharest- Romanian Parliament, 3 November 2010)

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With Profs. Eduardo A. Castro and Alicia Jubert from La Plata University (Argentina)
Visiting Chemistry Department of West University of Timisoara (9 June 2010)

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With his Majesty Mihai I The King of Romania (Timisoara, 21 Mai, 2009)
And with Prof. Dr. DHC. Multi. Hagen Kleinert of Free University of Berlin At The National Opera House of Timisoara Reception in Honor of Awarding the Title of „Doctor Honoris Causa” of West University of Timisoara to its stator – The King.

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Presenting the famous Books of the Professor Hagen Kleinert, with the occasion of his “Doctor Honoris Causa” Award of West University of Timisoara (22 Mai 2009)
In his presence along his wife Anemarie Kleinert and his close collaborator and friend Priv. Doz. Habil Dr. Axel Pelster.

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Grigore Vieru: Dedication (Chișinău 1993)
“To Mihai, to never forget the way to Basarabia”, from the Moldavian Romanian National Poet, Acad. Grigore Vieru, Chisinau, 4.04.1993, with the occasion the Moldavia Academy received the Romanian National Olympics in Romanian Language and Literature “Mihai Eminescu” awarded scholars.

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